Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I don't want to go to school today. Like, really really really don't want to go. It's supposed to rain buckets all day, and the thought of walking all over campus with it and listening to the "know it alls" in my class is nauseating. And because it is supposed to be rainy all day, I had to cancel my after school date with my best friend, which makes me sad. And also because it is supposed to be rainy all day, I just want to sit in my recliner with my new book and read. but alas, to school I must go. Sigh. The one redeeming factor would be if the radio plays some really good music on the way there and I can rock out in my car. Let's pray for that.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Haha, I woke up feeling the exact same way today. Too bad I can't take the day off from motherhood;-) Hope the day got better! At least tomorrow it shouldn't be raining!