Here he/she is pointint at us. It looks likethe foot, but it's really the pointer finger. The blob at the bottom is the the hand, with the long part being the pointer finger and all the other fingers are bent under.

Profile of the face. The large arc at the upper left is the forehead, and you can follow the profile down the nose and chin, and see where it dips down under the jaw to the neck.

Same as above, only mouth open. He/She is saying "Hi mom and dad!
Awww, I was so ampted up that you found out the gender! LOVE the grin at the bottom! That's a keeper!
You have a happy baby! Little C is so cute!
Your Aunt Lydia loves you!! I can't wait until you're here so I can hold you and squish you!
Love it!!! Hey, I texted you about getting together...did you get it?
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