...is fussy. Dave and I are not quite sure what is causing the fussiness. Gas? Colic? Normal infant adjustment? He's mostly fussy (and WIDE awake) in the evenings. Some evenings are better than others. He's wide awake starting at around 6, and the earliest we've gotten him to go to sleep is 11:30. I'm thankful that these wakeful hours are not in the middle of the night, but when he's fussy in the evenings, after a long day and mom and dad are tired, it does try my patience and make me a bit frustrated. I've managed to keep my head level and not get too upset. Dave and I usually take turns trying to manage him, so it helps that we each get a break. I'm hoping this stage (if it is a stage) won't last too long. Dave seems to think that Calvin is having some digestion issues. We've got a call in to the doctor to see if he can recommend anything, or if he is concerned to the point of wanting us to come in. I have my theories about the causes of the fussiness...I don't think Calvin does well when I thaw a bottle from the freezer. We've done this several times, and depending on how long the bottle sits in the fridge after it thaws, I notice he is extra fussy and has some other symptoms that I won't describe that make me think the thawed bottles don't agree with him. We'll see. We're trying a number of things to see if we can help the little guy be a bit happier.
This hold seems to help calm him down when Dad holds him. Mom...not so much. He does better resting against mom's chest. The good news is, even though he is Mr. Supperfusspants in the evenings, he's sleeping good chunks of the night. I've gotten at least 3.5 hours, usually more, at a time the past couple of weeks, and I only really have to wake up once before the morning. Not too bad.
Calvin has officially moved into size 1 diapers and I've had to put away all of his new born sized clothes, some of them he only got to wear once! I'm thankful for all of the 0-3 month onesies that cousin Connor loaned us....and I'm thankful for a drawer full of 3-6 month clothes that will fit in probably just a few short weeks!
Calvin is beginning to take to his bouncy seat (Thank, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Mike and Cousin Connor!). It can usually calm the fussiness for a good 10 minutes, giving our arms a break from holding him. He also likes his swing, and it's become his favorite place for a short morning nap. Plus, his face gets extra squishy when he's in it and mom can't resist taking tons of photos...
"quit disturbing my slumber"
"I know the answer to the question!!!!"
Over the next few weeks, we will have a visit from Nana and Grandad, our first time using Yia Yia as a babysitter, and a visit to the pediatrician for our two month check up. Stay tuned for more!
Sorry he's still having trouble at night! I do hope it's just a stage, or something y'all can figure out soon! He's adorable!
I can't help but wonder why if babies are pretty much supposed to eat and grow... why can't they be born with mature digestive systems? I mean, I get that their brains and bodies still need to grow and all... but their hearts and lungs are at full function... why not their tummies?
By the way, both my boys had tummy issues, and I can offer some suggestions. But you didn't ask for advice, so I am not going to give it b/c I know that can be annoying. :-) Send me an email (karenatjohnandkarendotcom) or message me on fb if you want some info.
You're doing great, my fellow Karen!
Ah, sweet boy :) I remember well the fussiness at night and at least for us, it was a stage...it got better. Hoping the same for you!
You're doing great!
Loving my little grandson! He just needs his YiaYia's hugs to calm him down.....Try singing to him, Karen, that helps, too.
Unfortunately I think most babies struggle with tummy troubles for one reason or another. Sammy has reflux and positioning has really helped him. Every babies different and you'll find what works for you. Talk with your doc and see what he says. Our doc just told us to focus on observing him (which it sounds like you are) and you'll find the connection to help him find comfort. Love the photos! He has ridiculously cute lips.
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