Thursday, August 04, 2011

2 month check up

Calvin is definitely going to take after his daddy!

We took Calvin for his two month check up today. He weighs 13.4 pounds and is 24 1/4 inches long. That's the 91st  percentile for weight and 94st percentile for height. Needless to say, he's a growing boy.

I was a bit anxious for this appointment for the past week or so. I knew that our little man was going to get his first set of immunizations today, and I wasn't sure how he (or me for that matter) was going to react. Crying was inevitable. But what about later in the day...fussy? tired? more crying?
And how was I going to feel? Sympathetic? Indifferent?

The appointment started out just fine. Dr. J checked all his range of motions in his arms and legs. Then he explained to us all about the vaccines that they recommend at two months of age. He talked about how some of them were not mandatory if we were not going to put him in public school (which we are, of course) and how only one of them was completely voluntary...the roto virus vaccine. We went ahead and ordered them all and waited for the nurse to come in...

Happy baby waiting for the nurse. He has no idea what he's in for.

Three shots, one crying baby and two heart sick parents later, the little guys was unconscious with sleep
the look of shock and disbelief that says "how could you let her do that to me?"

the initial stages of recovery.

We took advantage of Calvin's shot induced sleep to go out for lunch. When we got home, he slept for another hour or so, and then woke up.

Matching battle scars

 Remember that question I had asked myself about how he was going to react to the shots? Well...upon waking he made it pretty clear what the answer was.


Loud, hurtful, pitiful and frustrated screams.

A dose of baby Tylenol and a good 30 minutes of crying later, this was the only thing that would soothe him.
I have never let him sleep on my like this for very long. I've heard too many horror stories of what can happen in these types of positions...everything from SIDS to suffocation....but this time my pitiful heart let him sleep all he wanted. gave me a chance to watch the finale of the Bachelorette on hulu :>).
I eventually got him off my chest and resting on the side of the bed.

Again...I never let him sleep on his stomach without me supervising (see above reasons), but once again, my pitiful heart gave in. He stayed this was for a good two hours in a deep sleep.
 The rest of the evening was a bit of the same pattern....wake and fuss, cat nap, wake and fuss, cat nap, until he finally went down to real sleep at 11:30.

Now...just two months to recover from this before we got to do it all over again :>).


Margie said...
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KarenD said...

I know shots are so hard! You hate inflicting pain on your little one ON PURPOSE even if it is for their own good. This last round for Seth (15 months) was kind of a doozy because this is his first set he's gotten since he's been WALKING. He had these bruises on his thighs from the shots, and he would fuss every time he WALKED on them. Poor guy!

I hope Calvin is feeling better soon!

Yiayia/Mom/Angie said...

Your story is so well written, Karen! I enjoyed reading it, and remembering those same emotions years and years ago when you and your brother and sister were babies! The photos are, love, love them! Thanks for posting!

Lydia said...

Aw, the poor little guy!! I always hate shots, too. It's the worst! You did absolutely the right thing by letting him sleep on you and next to you. Your Mama instincts kicked in just fine. :)

Our last dr. visit, they took blood from James's head. As in, they tourniquet-ed his head above his ears and found a bulging vein on his head! We were ALL pretty traumatized after that! No wonder we grow up with a dislike for doctors!

The Cates said...

Bless his heart. I am going to go get some tylenol this week and give it to Mr. Drew before we go for his. Drew lays the same way on his stomach. I know it's a bad thing to do but it's the only way our stubborn child will sleep now. Cute pictures! Is he completely sleeping thru the night yet? I'm hoping we start soon!!