Monday, January 09, 2012

7 months

I'm in shock and disbelief that I have a 7 month old baby on my hands. Where did time go?
Calvin has developed so much over the past month. He's eating solid food like a champ...sweet potatoes seem to be his favorite. Over the past month, he has mastered sitting up on his own and I can actually leave him to play on his playmat for a while by himself. He entertains himself and is stable enough that he only falls over when he wants to try and reach a toy that is too far away.

Calvin has outgrown all of his 6-9 month clothes and is comfortably wearing size 12 to 18 month. I know he's grown because we had to raise up his jumper and move from an infant seat to a standard car seat. Here's his growth picture.

6 months

 7 months
It's hard to see with his pants on, but his legs are much longer and his torso is longer too.
Such a big boy!


Kati said...

Sweet big boy! 7 months is a great age :) They all are but I really enjoyed the 6-9 months range!

KarenD said...

He is so cute! Hey, does he have the same nose as Caleb? If so, that would be a Norvell nose, I guess! Some expressions on him are so Karen and others are so Dave! Well, he's a handsome guy, and this is such a fun stage!

The Cates said...

Soo, cute! He is a growing boy and looks so grown up in these pictures. Poor Drew he's still in some 3-6 month clothes but we are getting to 6-9 months! I hope to see ya'll at the playgroup get together so the boys can hang out.